Alumio version 3.33.0-RC1

In the refreshing spirit of spring, we’re happy to release Alumio version 3.33.0-RC1 - budding with more platform fixes and improvements! With this update we’ve added a new configuration option, fixed an issue with saving data, and made it possible to add missing variables after importing an incoming configuration, among other refinements to help rejuvenate your integration experience with Alumio.

Here’s what’s new and improved with Alumio version 3.33.0-RC1:

  • [NEW] We’ve improved the logic of selecting the default prototype: in the past, the default prototype was auto-selected in cases where no configurations existed other than the defined default prototype. This prevented users from creating inline configurations. Now the default prototype is no longer auto-selected for the described cases, while remaining automatically selected for all other cases.

  • [NEW] We’ve corrected the table header’s components view on small screens: different sizes of buttons and their color, and pagination borders that didn’t cover the whole block are consistent now.

  • [NEW] Now add missing variables after importing an incoming configuration. If any variables are missing, the banner with the corresponding link to the page will expand and allow users to input environment variables one by one.

  • [SOLVED] An issue with displaying an HTTP 418 response and no errors occurring in the Logs tab while working with the Transformer tester. Now if the error occurs in the Transformer tester, users get an HTTP 500 response and are notified of errors in the Logs tab.

  • [SOLVED] A problem with saving data to the storage when an identifier is an integer. In the past, it was possible to save data if the identifier was a string. Now users can set up the integer as a non-string.

  • [SOLVED] When using the Compressed decoder in the HTTP Transformer, we fixed a problem with fetching only one file that matches the pattern and parser by adding an “Include all items” configuration option to the HTTP Transformer.

  • [SOLVED] We’ve updated the replacement of a configuration that uses deprecated prototypes: instead of the “Remove keys from a storage entity” it will show the “Remove data from a storage entity” transformer.

Release dates

  • Release candidate: 3.33.0-RC1 on 18-04-2023 (For usage on UAT)
  • Stable release: 3.33.0 on 02-05-2023 (For usage on Production)

How to update your environment

Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest release candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.

Note: your production environment is NOT automatically updated to the next stable version. You can request production updates by contacting our Support Team via: Our Support Team will perform the update in correspondence with your planning.

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