We’re happy to announce our third release for this month with Alumio version 3.38.0-RC1. This one brings some crucial new updates to improve the flexibility and user-friendliness of the Alumio integration platform!
Release notes
- [NEW] We’ve enhanced the Relations overview of configurations! Now, the correct parent and children settings are loaded automatically when the Relations tab is opened. It’s also now possible to retrieve parent/children elements from the configurations and display connections between them.
- [NEW] We’ve added the ability to verify the signature request validation of the webhook to ensure whether the webhook call is legit. At the moment, the signature type supports two options: “Digest HMAC signature” (the header name and key are required) and “Digest signature” (only the header name is needed).
- [NEW] We solved an issue where retrieving a token when using plugins on oAuth2.0 would result in an error.
Release dates
- Release candidate: 3.38.0-RC1 on 27-06-2023 (For usage on UAT)
- Stable release: 3.38.0 on 11-07-2023 (For usage on Production)
How to update your environment
Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest release candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.
Note: your production environment is NOT automatically updated to the next stable version. You can request production updates by contacting our Support Team via: support@alumio.com. Our Support Team will perform the update in correspondence with your planning.