Alumio version 3.40.0-RC


Alumio version 3.40.0-RC is here and the release introduces key user-friendly additions to our flexible integration platform! We’re happy to announce that we’ve finally redesigned the overview of our Entity Transformer to improve our user experience, made useful additions to the Transformer tester, and also now support the Newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) format. Read on to find out more!

Here’s what’s new and improved with Alumio version 3.40.0-RC1:

  • [New] We’ve improved the Entity Transformers view with a more user-friendly and adaptive design! On the left side of the page, we’ve added a tree-view feature that allows you to expand and see all transformers and their settings without any data hidden in popups. You can always go back or along the settings to be on track with the selected transformers! Rather than having the “Back” and "Close” buttons in the popup, there are now the “Up one level” and “Home” buttons above the tree-view to help you navigate back up through the transformer tree. We’ve removed all popups in favor of allowing transformers and their content to be viewed on the page as well.

  • [New] In the latest version of Alumio, errors that occur in the Transformer tester are now shown next to the Transformer that they occur in. The data point that can be used for debugging is marked red. And if the “New form layout” beta is active, it will also be highlighted in the tree view feature. Even if the data point is not activated for debugging, it will still correctly show the error.

  • [New] We now support the Newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) format in Alumio. As a result, it has become possible for the NDJSON deserializer to convert incoming JSON Lines requests, while outgoing entities can be transformed to JSON Lines by the NDJSON serializer.
  • [New] We’ve solved an issue with the incorrect display of logs pagination: when navigating to the new configuration, the logs pagination displayed outdated pagination settings and an incorrect number of logs.

Release dates

  • Release candidate: 3.40.0-RC1 on 25-07-2023 (For usage on UAT)
  • Stable release: 3.40.0 on 08-08-2023 (For usage on Production)

How to update your environment

Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest release candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.

Note: your production environment is NOT automatically updated to the next stable version. You can request production updates by contacting our Support Team via: Our Support Team will perform the update in correspondence with your planning.

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