Alumio version 3.59.0-RC1

To add to the many new features and fixes we introduced with our last release notes for the month, here are two new gems to sweeten the pot with Alumio version 3.59.0-RC1!

Here’s what’s new and improved with Alumio version 3.59.0-RC1:

  • [NEW] We now support exporting all your configurations in one go. To use the functionality, navigate to Settings > Import/Export and click on the “Export all configurations” button.

  • [NEW] Fixed a bug where killing the processing job indicated the “Failed” status instead of displaying the “Killed” status.

New Connector we now support:

  • Catch of the Day Connector, v2.0.0

New Connector version we support:

  • Visma Connector, v9.82

Release dates

  • Release candidate: 3.59.0-RC1 on 16-04-2024 (For usage on UAT)
  • Stable release: 3.59.0 on 30-04-2024 (For usage on Production)

How to update your environment

Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest release candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.

Note: Your production environment is NOT automatically updated to the next stable version. You can request production updates by contacting our Support Team via: Our Support Team will perform the update in correspondence with your planning.

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