Alumio version 3.61.0-RC1

We’re happy to announce that Alumio has been ranked #1 in Emerce 100 for best cloud service provider in the Netherlands! Keeping with the spirit, the release of Alumio version 3.61.0-RC1 introduces a wide array of platform fixes and improvements in our quest to constantly enhance your integration experience with us.

Here’s what’s new and improved with Alumio version 3.61.0-RC1:

  • [NEW] We’ve improved the logging of failed webhooks. Now, when the “Server request validator” request is denied, webhooks display the “Failed” status and a correct log message.
  • [NEW] Fixed a bug where a process stopped when a log couldn’t be written.
  • [NEW] Solved an issue where the disabled field wasn’t visible in the Version Control tab.
  • [NEW] Solved a bug where the “Delete” Method on Publisher didn’t send any payload.
  • [NEW] Fixed an issue with the Akeneo connector where exporting data from Alumio indicated an error.
  • [NEW] Resolved a problem with the Salsify connector where the base URL host was replaced by the endpoint name, causing an error during connection.

New Connectors we now support:

  • MyDeal Connector, v3.3
  • AS2 Gateway Connector, v1.2
  • Zoho Desk Connector, v1

Release dates

  • Release candidate: 3.61.0-RC1 on 14-05-2024 (For usage on UAT)
  • Stable release: 3.61.0 on 28-05-2024 (For usage on Production)

How to update your environment

Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest release candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.

Note: Your production environment is NOT automatically updated to the next stable version. You can request production updates by contacting our Support Team via: Our Support Team will perform the update in correspondence with your planning.

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