Alumio version 3.68.0-RC1

We’re excited to announce a wide range of fixes and features with Alumio version 3.68.0-RC1! The update includes a new Alumio Status page, the ability to HTML-encode a string when XML-serializing, the ability to run an Incoming Configuration from the Route page among many other changes. It also introduces a plethora of new fixes and support for new Connectors. As always, happy integrating!

Here’s what’s new and improved with Alumio version 3.68.0-RC1:

  • [NEW] We’ve introduced a new page: Alumio Status - where you can track the uptime of Alumio services and also subscribe to receive notifications when an issue with one of the services occurs.
  • [NEW] We have restructured the Info page (Settings > Info) to display more information about your license and other useful items.
  • [NEW] Legacy Magento2 and Shopware packages have been removed. It is no longer possible to add these prototypes, however existing configurations will still function as normal.
  • [NEW] Your filter settings are now stored in the application, instead of your browser. This ensures the settings will never get lost after an Alumio update or clearing the cache in your browser.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where the Scheduler would have a small delay in execution, in certain cases.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where it was possible to trigger the “Login” button multiple times, causing potential issues.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where the Transformer Tester would sometimes disappear from the page when using the popup.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where importing a HTTP Client would throw an error.
  • [NEW] Added the ability to HTML-encode a string when XML-serializing.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where it was not possible to write/read to an sFTP server when using a PrivateKey connection.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where saving an entity transformer would reset the edited expected entities.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where the dashboard sometimes showed a 404 error when loading a page.
  • [NEW] We have restructured the menu-items of Alumio by moving them around and partly re-naming certain menu-items.
  • [NEW] Resolved an issue where it was not possible to save or update a transformer when mapping a boolean value to a strong.
  • [NEW] It’s now possible to run an Incoming Configuration from the Route details page to test configurations quicker without switching between pages.

New Connectors we support:

  • PulpoWMS Connector, v2
  • TopDesk Connector, v1.1.0
  • HaloITSM Connector, v2.152.34
  • Copper Connector

Release dates

  • Release candidate: 3.68.0-RC1 on 20-08-2024 (For usage on UAT)
  • Stable release: 3.68.0 on 03-09-2024 (For usage on Production)

Environment updates

Your UAT environment is always automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest Release Candidate version. This happens on the same day as the release notes are published by Alumio.

Besides that, your production environment is also automatically updated every 2 weeks to the latest Stable version. The Stable version is based on the previous Release Candidate and lags 2 weeks behind.

In case you want to exclude your production environment from automated updates - please contact our Support Team via: Our Support Team will perform the production update in correspondence with your planning.

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