Copy using a pattern Transformer

Table of contents

  • General description
  • The different parts of the Copy using a pattern Transformer

General description

The Copy using a pattern Transformer takes a part of the entity data and copies it. This can be useful, for example, when only a shipping address is given but no additional billing address. If a target API requires both, the Copy using a pattern Transformer can be used to duplicate the data across both required fields.

The different parts of the Copy using a pattern Transformer

  • Pattern (required field)
    This is the path towards the entity data that needs to be copied.

  • Replacement (required field)
    This is the output location where the copied data will be added.

  • Conditions
    This ensures that it copies the data only when a certain condition is met. For example, when a box is checked to confirm that the billing and shipping are the same address.