when I’m trying to serialize this JSON file, we are getting this error in Alumio. Can you please help what should we do to fix this error>
This is the error:
“Transaction set is not supported. One or more errors occurred. (Model model was not found.)”
Here’s the data:
"ISA00 00 ZZICONHEALTH11 ZZSPSPCRICHARD 2311281043¦004030000366160P}~GSSHICONHEALTH11SPSPCRICHARD20231128104336616X004030~ST856366160001~BSN00122030561202311280849~HL1**S~TD1CTN1G110LB~TD5**2UPSRUPS GND RESIDEN~DTM01120231128~N1SFICON HEALTH & FITNESS~N3IFIT HEALTH & FITNESS~N4POOLERGA31322~N1STHenry Correa~N311300 EXPO BLVD APT 706210-7109915~N4SAN ANTONIOTX78230~HL21O~PRF078192320231127~REFIA205