Deserializing EDI 846/856

when I’m trying to serialize this JSON file, we are getting this error in Alumio. Can you please help what should we do to fix this error>

This is the error:
“Transaction set is not supported. One or more errors occurred. (Model model was not found.)”

Here’s the data:

"ISA00 00 ZZICONHEALTH11 ZZSPSPCRICHARD 2311281043¦004030000366160P}~GSSHICONHEALTH11SPSPCRICHARD20231128104336616X004030~ST856366160001~BSN00122030561202311280849~HL1**S~TD1CTN1G110LB~TD5**2UPSRUPS GND RESIDEN~DTM01120231128~N1SFICON HEALTH & FITNESS~N3IFIT HEALTH & FITNESS~N4POOLERGA31322~N1STHenry Correa~N311300 EXPO BLVD APT 706210-7109915~N4SAN ANTONIOTX78230~HL21O~PRF078192320231127~REFIA205

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This issue has been resolved. Thanks!

Hi Farley,

Thank you for posting your question on the forum.

We are glad to hear that you managed to solve the issue.

We assume that the issue was caused by the “model” parameter in the “Request Parameters”. You can remove the “model” parameter to let Alumio choose the model based on the source EDI file.