Dynamic HTTP clients (or HTTP authentications)

For one of my customers I have setup an integration between their ERP and multiple Adobe Commerce instances.

In order to the number of routes and maintenance we have implemented the integrations using a ‘channel configuration’ driven approach.

This customer has multi-hierarchy setup within their ERP (multiple concerns with multiple companies underneath). Depending on various flags we determine:

  1. Features that need to be enabled within the integration (i.e. all channels require product prices to be send but certain channels need VAT calculated or need other types of supplements included into the price)
  2. Determine the Adobe Commerce instance the data needs to be send to

To prevent having to maintain multiple sets of configurations (i.e. sending requests to the correct Adobe Commerce instance), we have setup a transformer that contains a said ‘sales channel configuration’. This sales channel configuration all kind of information needed to setup more ‘dynamic’ routes.

However, in order to do so we had to opt for the less secure bearer token authentication as we are unable to dynamically invoke oAuth 1 (or dynamically refer to an existing oAuth 1 HTTP authentication). Since this now exposes our customer to increased risks we would like to request the ability to dynamically load other configurations, i.e. by allowing a placeholder to refer to the identifier of that configuration.

Example setup:

  • Generic Adobe Commerce HTTP client (identifier: generic-ac-client)
  • B2C Adobe Commerce HTTP authentication (identifier: b2c-ac-auth)
  • B2B Adobe Commerce HTTP authentication (identifier: b2b-ac-auth)

Then the HTTP client (generic-ac-client) would be used in all routes but the HTTP authentication would be driven by a ‘sales channel configuration’ value containing the identifier of the HTTP authentication:

The above serves as an inspiration.

Hi @jesse,

Thank you for your request, we will pass this to the corresponding team. We will keep you updated about the status.

Hi @jesse just a little update, our team has created a story for this request.
There is no estimation yet when it will be available.
You can monitor our released notes pages to keep up to date on every feature released.

Thank you!

I’ve just had contact with @jesse 's customer and they confirmed that this feature is blocking their integration.
@Gugi will handle this development.


Thank you for the update @Alumio_Bot

Hi @jesse,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
After careful consideration and discussion with the team, we regret to inform you that we currently do not have the capability to accommodate your request in Alumio.

We appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter.

Hi Rian,

Thanks for your reply - is this the definitive answer or is the feature going to be added on the backlog?

Hi @jesse,

Our team has added this to their backlog and we hope to start working on it end of this year