Currently, the interface of Alumio takes a lot of vertical real estate. This is especially noticeable when editing transformers.
Nothing wrong with this by itself, but it would be a great quality of life feature to have an option somewhere on the site where you can enable “compact view”, which will reduce whitespaces, paddings, margins, etc from elements to make it more compact.
Another option can be to change the positioning of the interface elements.
For example, when we currently have this:
Entity transformers:
| Manage name and description
| o (Data, transform data using mappers and conditions)
| Filters
| + Add filter
| Data transformers
| | Manage name
| | o (Recursively copy values to children)
| | Pattern to children within a parent *
| | (
| | Mapping of values from parent to child
| | (A textfield with data here)
| + Add data transformer
| + Add entity transformer
We can make it more compact, like this:
| o Name and description: (Data, transform data using mappers and conditions)
| | Filters: None [+ Add filter]
| | Data transformers: [+ Add data transformer] [+ Add entity transformer]
| | o Name: (Recursively copy values to children)
| | | Pattern to children within a parent: (
| | | Mapping of values from parent to child: (A short preview here. Clicking it opens a textfield below)
(This is just brainstorming some ideas. Feel free to ask for more elaboration if I’m not clear enough here!)
The end goal here is to be able to fit more elements on the screen.