Feature Request: Remember filter settings

It would be great to be able to remember the filter settings per ‘module’:

  • Incomings
  • Outgoings
  • Routes
  • Transformers
  • Storages

I disable the codebase examples so I can filter them out using the status filter. However, I need to set the filter over and over again. It would be great to be able to ‘remember’ the settings, per module, per user.

It would be even greater to implement soms sort of ‘query’ storage mechanism. Then I, as a user can easily choose from a set of previously created filter settings/queries.

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Hi @Ties,

Thank you for your valuable feedback.
In Alumio, we have a button named “save filter”


It has almost the same function as you need.
Can you try it first and let us know if it solves your problem?

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