Filter previous enitities

I use the default Adaptive Equals Comparison for filtering previous entities. But I don’t really know what it does. Can you please explain in detail what the different options here mean and do?

E.g. I suspect in my case which is for a product description, that html tags are stripped from texts so only the plain text is compared, but maybe I am wrong. Anyway, if this is the case, what should I choose to include html changes as well?

Hi @kjetil

Adaptive Equals Comparison is used to compare two variables while ignoring the strictness of the type of data, e.g., string, number.

Then, for your case, if the variables are just plain text, you can compare them with “equals” or “adaptive equal comparison”

Example for specification:
Value A: "<p>Comparable text example.</p>"
Value B: "<p>Comparable text<br><br>example.</p>"

Will this (A->B) be filtered as a no change?

Hi @kjetil,

Values A and B will be treated as different strings. Because HTML tags will be considered part of the value.
So (A->B) will not be filtered.

Is there a case insensitive equals (or non-equals) comparisson? I would have thought the adaptive was such, but from this thread that doesnt seem to be the case?

Hi @robin.speekenbrink,

Yes, there is. You can use “Equals” or “Does not equals”.

The “equals” (and i assume the inversion also) alre case sensitive… :wink:

Hi @robin.speekenbrink,

Sorry for my mistake.
If you are comparing a variable into a static value, you could use PCRE syntax such as below.

You can replace the “foo” with the static value. The flag “i” means to ignore case (case-insensitive).