Table of contents
- General description
- The different parts of the GraphQL Transformer
General description
The GraphQL Transformer is used to execute HTTP requests to GraphQL APIs. The response from the GraphQL request replaces the current entity data.
To retain both — the entity data and the response from the GraphQL request, you can use the GraphQL Transformer in combination with the “Merger Transformer”.
The different parts of the GraphQL Transformer
Request URI (required field)
The Request URI is used to configure the endpoint where the GraphQL request will be made. It can contain the full URL or a path, depending on the configured HTTP client. Placeholders are supported in this field. -
Request Method (required field)
The Request Method is used to configure the HTTP method for the GraphQL request. Placeholders are supported in this field. -
Request Parameters
The Request Parameters field helps create a GraphQL query. The value is used as query parameters for GET requests. For POST and PUT requests, this field is used in the request body. Placeholders are supported in this field. -
HTTP Client
The HTTP client can be configured to customize the GraphQL request. For example, you can add additional headers, configure authentication, set a base URL, and more. See “HTTP Client” for further information.