Load progress tracker from storage

Table Of Contents

  • Use case
  • General description
  • The different parts of the “Load progress tracker from storage” Transformer
  • Video guide

Use case

Using the Load progress tracker from storage Transformer it is possible to implement pagination within your integrations.
It retrieves the result of the previous API call from a storage for usage.

General description

The “Load progress tracker from storage” Transformer makes the data saved by the “Track progress in storage” Transformer available in the entity data.

This Transformer can be used to resume a data synchronization from the point it previously stopped. It provides access to the latest processed date and the identifiers available in the entity data.

The different parts of the “Load progress tracker from storage” Transformer

  • Storage (required field)
    This specifies the storage from which the tracked progress is read.

  • Path to date
    This defines the path in the entity data where the tracked date will be saved. It supports placeholders.

  • Date format
    This formats the date before it gets added in the entity data.

  • Path to entity identifier
    This defines the path in the entity data where the tracked identifiers are to be saved. It supports placeholders.

  • Start date
    This specifies the default date to use when there is no tracked date yet. It requires a year-month-day format.

Video guide