I am looking into using the Shopware Sync API (“Bulk payloads”) that allows for setting a couple of headers to allow for better performance. Is there a way I can set such headers in Alumio?
It is not possible at the moment to add additional headers to the Shopify 6 Publisher.
Currently, we are still in the discussion with the team to see whether it is possible to implement it in the future through the publisher. We will let you know once we have an update.
As a work-around, isn’t it possible to create a custom HTTP client with the append headers plugin.
Then use that custom HTTP client under ‘advanced’ in the shopware client?
@Alumio_Bot Yes, your suggestion would work as a work-around. But then we need more than one HTTP client. One for the publisher that use the headers and one for the publisher that don’t.
Also, It would be good to check whether Shopware ignores the headers if we include them when submitting requests to non-Sync API. So we can have only one HTTP client for all kind of requests.
@Gugi depending on the number of requests you could also just use one client, and apply the headers where needed using the plugins on the HTTP transformer / publisher.
@jesse You are correct. As a workaround, instead of using Shopware 6 Publisher, we could use HTTP Transformer or HTTP publisher, as they support adding headers using the “Set request headers” plugin.
@kjetil As for the Shopware 6 Publisher, we passed it on to the team, and we have received an update that we are going to support adding headers to the publisher in the future. We will let you know once the feature is released in the future through our Release Notes.