Skip Failed Tasks in Routes

Feature Request: Skip Failed Tasks in Routes


I would like to request a feature that allows us to skip tasks that fail during workflows. This would help us manages routes when failures occur.

Feature Description:

  • Skip Failed Task Option: Add a setting that lets us skip tasks that fail but to a different status than ‘skipped’. I’d propose to change ‘skipped’ into ‘filtered’ and use ‘skipped’ or ‘ignored’ for failed tasks that need to be ignored.


  1. Clear Separation of Tasks:
  • This feature allows us to clearly distinguish between tasks that are intentionally filtered out and those that failed but still need attention. By skipping failed tasks, we can focus on resolving significant issues without confusion.
  1. Increased Usability of the Dashboard:
  • With the ability to skip failed tasks, our dashboard usability will be greatly enhanced. Failed tasks will stand out as outstanding actions requiring our attention, making it easier to identify and address issues promptly.

Adding the ability to skip failed tasks would improve the clarity and efficiency of our workflow management, making it easier to identify and address critical issues. Thank you for considering this request.


Hi @jesse

Thank you for your feedback. I have passed this on to the corresponding team.

Hi @jesse,

Could you please provide us with a specific use case or example of when/how this would be useful over normal failed tasks?

Hi @r.candrian,

Sometimes you have 1000 tasks processed and 10 of those tasks failed. Then you want to inspect the failed tasks and decide what to do with them. After inspecting one task one solution could be to manually process it in the destination system. After this you want to set the task to ‘skipped’ to indicate it was looked at. Right now, you need to ‘retry’ the task to set it to ‘new’ and then you are able to ‘skip’ the task.

This introduces a risk that the task is then still processed afterwards.

@r.candrian any update here? I have another customer with the exact same wish.