Testing connections of HTTP/SOAP Clients and Filesystems

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • The “Testing connections” option


Testing connections allows you to create tests for different clients or filesystems.

Alumio offers testing connections in separate modules:

  • HTTP Clients;
  • SOAP Clients;
  • Filesystems.

The “Testing connections” option

To start using the “Testing connections” option, use these steps to navigate the functionality:

  1. Go to the HTTP/SOAP Clients or Filesystem, depending on what exactly should be tested;
  2. Select the records you want to test on the Overview page or press the “Test connections” button at the top to test all existing connections on the page.

  1. The “Test Results” popup expands displaying:
    a. Configuration name - tested client or filesystem.
    b. Status - indicates current status during/after execution.
    3 statuses are used in the popup:

    • Pending - the process is under execution, no Logs are shown and the “Logs” button is disabled.
    • Succeed - the process has been successfully finished, an error message is absent, and logs are available.
    • Failed - the process failed, the error message is displayed, and logs show the issue.

    c. Error message - displays the error in brief, highlighting an essential problem about the issue that happened.
    d. Actions - logs specify the issue in the corresponding configuration.