Track progress in storage Transformer

Table of contents

  • General description
  • The different parts of the Track progress in storage Transformer

General description

The Track progress in storage Transformer can be used to track the progress of a data synchronization. It records the latest date and keeps track of entity identifiers that have been processed.

The Transformer creates two entities within the specified storage:

  • The “date” entity stores the last date processed by the Transformer.
  • The “entities” entity contains a list of all processed entity identifiers.

It can be used in combination with the “Load progress tracker from storage” Transformer to create a Route that only processes updated or new data.

The different parts of the Track progress in storage Transformer

  • Storage (required field)
    This helps determine the storage to use to track progress.

  • Path to date (required field)
    This defines the path in the entity data where the date to be tracked is located. It supports placeholders.

  • Path to entity identifier (required field)
    This specifies the path in the entity data where to get the identifier to track. It supports placeholders.

  • Date format
    This specifies the format of the date that will be tracked. When left empty, the format will be determined automatically.