Hello everyone,
Currently i am in the process of connecting a new (to us) api to Alumio. this api uses some hybrid form of oauth and basic auth to connect so the standard http authentications weren’t a proper fit. I thought i could solve this by using the bearertoken from storage auth which works as advertised when manually saving the bearerToken which i got via Postman.
However getting the bearerToken into the storage from an entity transformer gives me some trouble. The response that i get looks like this:
"access_token": "TestTokenInformationThatiShouldStore",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer"
When i have set the source of the “save entity to storage” set to &{access_token} it write a null to the storage. How would i go and only store “TestTokenInformationThatiShouldStore” ?
scratch that i just figured it out XD. turns out i shouldn’t use the placeholders while the ui says i should