XML-RPC Transformer

Table Of Contents

  • Use case
  • Usage

Use case

The function of an XML-RPC Transformer is to interact with an XML-RPC API end-point with the implementation of an entity transformer. This can be used to collect data from an XML-RPC endpoint based on previously obtained data.


XML-RPC Transformer is a transformer that acts the same way as HTTP Transformer and SOAP Transformer do. They replace the whole entity with the value it returns (response to the request). So, if we want to merge the response with the current entity, you should use it inside a Merger Transformer, such as the below picture.

Request URI
Fill in this field with the XML-RPC endpoint that is going to be called.

Remote Procedure
The method name of the XML-RPC request. It will be mapped to the methodCallmethodName element of the XML-RPC request payload.

Request parameters
The parameters needed for the XML-RPC request. It will be mapped to the methodCallparams element of the XML-RPC request payload. You can refer to this topic about How to map with Serialize: XML to guide you on how to fill in the field as JSON object so it can be correctly transformed to the XML payload you need for the XML-RPC request.

The sample XML-RPC Transformer usage we attached in the picture above executes the below HTTP request.


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