Html encode data

Hi all,
For one of the integrations i’m making using Alumio i have to sent a xml message with its data html encoded;
Currently when serializing to xml i get:


but i want:


Does anyone know to html encode all the lines before serializing the data to xml?

thank you in advanced,

Hi @jesse.wever,

We will check this with the team and let you know once we have an update.

In the meantime, could you please let us know whether this issue is blocking your integration?

thank you,
Yes it is blocking, since the receiving party is very strict in how they receive the message

Thank you for letting us know.

We have passed the issue on to the team for further discussion. We will keep you posted on any updates.

Hi @jesse.wever,

We would like to inform you that we have released 3.68.0-RC1, which includes the functionality to disable CDATA wrapping in XML serializing. It also includes a mapper to HTML-encode a string.

Please give it a try and let us know if you find any issues.