Routes in Alumio

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Creating and maintaining route configurations
  • Monitoring route configurations
  • How to enable parallel processing in Alumio
  • Video guide


Routes represent an integration of a data entity between two systems. An example would be a synchronization of orders between a webshop and an ERP system. A route configuration connects an **incoming configuration **and outgoing configuration to enable an integration.

Routes can be created and maintained by navigating to Connections → Routes.

For a wider understanding of the process of a route read: Logic of Creating and Running a Task

Creating and maintaining route configurations

Possible configuration fields:

  • Name - A name describing the integration the route enables, i.e. Orders from Shopware to SAP.
  • Identifier - A unique identifier for this route configuration (this field is automatically generated based on the name).
  • Description - Detailed description for the integration.
  • Disabled - A flag that indicates whether the route configuration is disabled. Disabled routes do not process their queues.
  • Incoming configuration - The incoming configuration which retrieves the data for this integration, i.e. Retrieve Shopware Orders
  • Outgoing configuration - The outgoing configuration which publishes the data for this integration, i.e. Create SAP Order
  • Entity transformers - The transformers should be executed on the data flowing through this integration.
  • Activate retrying of failed tasks - A flag that allows the user to retry failed tasks within a predefined interval of time and add special statuses of tasks (skipped, failed etc.). Enabling this flag will cause any tasks to fail to be retried during the selected time box. The limitations for retrying failed tasks are: the number of attempted retries is 10 and the retry interval in minutes is 360 as a maximum.
  • Enable real-time processing - A flag that indicates whether the queue is automatically processed. Enabling this flag will cause any tasks created by the incoming configuration to be immediately processed.
  • Enable waiting status - A flag that checks if a task from the Route or a part of the Route has been processed and needs the user to verify and decide whether it failed or finished by viewing Logs. When a checkbox is unchecked the status of tasks should be “Finished”.

Monitoring route configurations

The Route details page includes tabs to interact with different options such as setting alerts, viewing logs, scheduling jobs and so on.

In general, you can see the following tabs on the Route details page:

  • Edit - displayed by default and shows all information about configurations;
  • Version Control - allows to revert configuration to the previous version;
  • Logs - allows you to review all past logging created by the selected route configuration;
  • Scheduled jobs - enables to set up a scheduler for configuration;
  • Alerts - allows to configure alerts on a specific occasion;
  • Tasks - provides an ability to view all tasks related to the configuration, navigate to the corresponding page, retry or export task;
  • Relations - shows visual relations between different configurations in Alumio.

How to enable parallel processing in Alumio

Here’s a short guide:

Step 1: Go to Routes > Route details page > Edit tab.

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the checkbox “Enable parallel execution”. This option is available only when real-time processing is disabled.

Step 3: Select the number of parallel executions in the expanded input field (e.g., configuring ‘3’ allows the route to run three times simultaneously).

Step 4: Configure schedulers accordingly. For example, if aiming for three parallel executions, set up three schedulers to run simultaneously.

Note: There should be an integer number of minimum 1 parallel execution. The maximum number is predefined by the number of data engines assigned to the environment due to your license type. Besides that, when enabling parallel processing an option of real-time processing is deactivated. The same behaviour goes when enabling real-time processing of tasks.

Caution: Be mindful of potential race conditions. For instance, when multiple routes are checking for the existence of an item in storage, timing discrepancies may occur. Exercise caution to ensure data integrity and consistency.

Video guide