Table of contents
- Introduction
- Storages Overview page
- Filtering out the list of Storages
- Storages Details page
- Other options available on the Storage details page
- Video Guide
This article explains how to work with Storages and of which number of options a simple Storage consists. A basic overview of the Storage Overview and Storage details pages gives you a complete overview of this functionality to have a better understanding of Storages.
Storages Overview page
The Storages Overview page describes a list of records created for Storages to store entities inside. This page provides you with all existing information about the creation/update status of records, descriptions if exist and also enables you to export one or more Storages, empty or delete them. On this page you are also able to create a new Storage - just click on the “+” icon at the top of the page.
Filtering out the list of Storages
Throughout all functionality, it’s possible to filter by different options available on this page:
- Name, filters storages based on a name;
- Created at, filters the storages based on a range of time when they were created;
- Updated at, filters the storages based on a range of time when they were updated;
- Identifier, filters storages whose identifier matches the given string (contains or equals);
- Description, filters based on the description text;
- Status, filters the storages based on their status(es).
Storages Details page
To view details of the storage, there are two ways to do that:
- Navigate to the existing configuration by clicking on the appropriate record from the Storages Overview page;
- Create a new Storage by clicking on the “+” icon at the top of the Storages Overview page.
Once are arrive on this page, you can view the following settings:
- Name - put the name of the Storage in this field;
- Description - optional field, that describes what reflects this Storage;
- Status - can be enabled or disabled, affects if storage entities will be put to this Storage if it’s active or not;
- Other settings:
- Enable pruning of storage items - Storage items get automatically deleted if they were inserted more than X hours/days ago.
- Logger - enables logging for the following categories:
- creating entities;
- updating entities;
- deleting entities.
The Storages details page, besides, its main functionality described in the Edit tab, includes other important tabs:
- Version Control - allows to revert versions to previous ones;
- Entities - keeps a list of entities that belong to this Storage. It’s possible to do such actions in this tab:
- View logs
- Delete entities. You can delete one or more entities at once, just select which entities you need to delete and use the bulk action.
- Relations - view which relations are established between the corresponding Storage and other configurations to retrieve the results.
- Logs - view all logs related to actions with Storages.
Other options available on the Storage details page
Some essential options can be used on the Storage details page. They are located in the hamburger menu at the right top of the page:
- Export - allows you to export storage with related configurations. Once clicked, a popup will expand with the ability to view relations.
- Copy entities - copy entities from this Storage to another one or create a new Storage in this popup using the “Create a new storage” option or “+” icon;
- Empty storage - means all entities and other information will be cleared from this Storage;
- Delete - deletes this Storage.
Video guide
Watch the Video guide to get to know more useful tips and details of Storages in Alumio.