Webhooks in Alumio

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Creating and maintaining webhooks
  • Using a webhook
  • Video guide


Webhooks enable external applications to send data to Alumio in real-time. A webhook configuration enables an API endpoint for another application to connect to.

Webhooks can be created and maintained by navigating to Connections → Webhooks.

Creating and maintaining webhooks

Possible configuration fields:

  • Name - A name describing data this configuration processes, i.e. ERP Stock
  • Identifier - A unique identifier for this webhook (this field is automatically generated based on the name).
  • Description - Detailed description for the webhook.
  • Disabled - A flag that indicates whether the webhook configuration is disabled. Disabled webhook configurations do not process data.
  • Incoming configuration - The incoming configuration where the incoming data should be forwarded to.
  • Additional incoming configurations - In some cases it is desired to forward the incoming data to multiple incoming configurations. An example would be a system that is limited to sending all mutations to any entity to only one webhook. You may want to route each entity towards another system and/or endpoint. By creating a separate incoming configuration per each entity, you are offered the flexibility of only routing the relevant entities.
  • Enable logging - Enables logging for all requests made to the webhook.
  • Pre-processors - Pre-processors may be used to validate the request is coming from a legitimate source. An example would be a custom header with a common secret, used by both parties to validate the legitimacy of a request.
  • Post-processors - The post-processors are executed after the webhook has been consumed and tasks have been created.

Using a webhook

To make use of a webhook you need to share your Alumio environment’s webhook base URL, as well as the relevant identifier. Depending on the settings of your webhook you may also need to share any request validators.

The webhook base URL can be found on the Info page under Settings → Info.

It’s also possible to add additional paths in the Webhook URL to expand extra variables when there is a need to change some paths.
To do that, use the following steps:

  1. Create a new webhook and make it part of a full route.
  2. Add a scheduler to run the route.
  3. Use a tool like Postman to send data to the webhook and verify tasks are created and are processed correctly.
  4. Use the default webhook URL and try adding additional path variables.
    Compare webhook variables below:

    (without extra paths)

    (with extra paths)

Video guide